Welcome to the Village of Rockdale!

Rockdale has much to offer residents and visitors. Nestled at the edge of the CamRock parks, the village enjoys the natural beauty of Koshkonong Creek flowing through its center.  This creek is used by canoers, kayakers, and fisherpeople alike.  In addition, residents and visitors to Rockdale are seconds away from a nature walk or bike ride on a three mile groomed pedestrian path, meandering along Koshkonong Creek all the way to Cambridge.  A new winter multi-use trail area will attract even more cross-country skiers, snowshoers, winter trail bike and nature enthusiasts.  Only minutes from Madison, Janesville, and Milwaukee, Rockdale provides a quaint, rural atmosphere with many of the conveniences of urban living nearby. 

The Village of Rockdale invites you to become involved in decisions designed to make our community a better place to live for all citizens.

Upcomming Elections:

Public Information Meeting for Rockdale Wastewater Regionalization with Cambridge Project

Post Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Village of Rockdale is planning to regionalize wastewater treatment with the Village of Cambridge during late 2025 through 2026. The proposed project will involve modifications and conversions of the existing wastewater treatment plant, including abandoning sections of the existing wastewater treatment plant, converting section of a treatment plant  into a pumping station, as well as the installation of underground piping between the Village of Rockdale and the Village of Cambridge along County Road B. These improvements are necessary to meet current Department of Natural Resources (DNR) codes and ensure sewer system compliance. The construction of the project is anticipated to last approximately one year and is estimated to cost $4.0 million.

We value your input on the proposed improvements. Please attend the information meeting to review the displays, ask questions, and share your thoughts. If you cannot attend but would like to receive information about the project, please contact the Village of Rockdale Clerk, Ann Gerlich, at (608) 423-1497 or by email at, or the Village Engineer, Lukasz Lyzwa, at (608) 742-2169 or by email at


********The Village of Rockdale has an opening for a Village Trustee seat.****** Those interested, please send a letter of interest by February 14, 2025 to:

Village of Rockdale

PO Box 160

Cambridge, WI 53523

or email to:

The position will be filled on February 18, at the monthly board meeting. The term will end April 20, 2026. If you have questions, please feel free to call the office at 608-423-1497 or my cell at 608-628-1705.

Thank you- Ann Gerlich


Do you want to rent the Rockdale Community Center? Click Here for information!

To replace, reconstruct, treat or abandon your well or water system
You might be eligible to apply if: You own a private well or noncommunity water system
Your annual family or business income is $100,000 or less $16,000
Your well or water system is contaminated with nitrate, arsenic, fecal bacteria or PFAS
You have not begun work on your well or water system yet
Apply by August 2025. To learn more about eligibility and how to apply:
OR ,
CALL 608-577-3583 OR EMAIL


Spring Election - April 1, 2025

Village Board seats up for re-election on April 1, 2025 are as follows:

Village President - Alicia Hynes

Village Trustee - Sarah Halvorson

Village Trustee - Sam Pelot

If you are interested in running for the Village Board, please click here for the Declaration of Candidacy & Campaign Finance Registration Statement by January 7, 2025.  


For Election Notices, to to Election Info under the Village Government Tab. 

Need to Register to Vote or request and Absentee Ballot? - Click Here

Type A Notice - Click Here

Senate Joint Resolution - Click Here

Type B Notice - Click Here

Type C Notice - Click Here

Type D Notice - Click Here

Type E Notice - Click Here

Sample Ballot - Click Here

Notice of Public Test - Click Here


Ann E. Gerlich

Village Clerk-Treasurer

Find out more about PFAS at :

If you'd like to see if you qualify for free testing for your well, please refer to the guidelines and application at: 


Need information on a Permit? 


ALTERNATE STREET PARKING:  Winter Parking in effect for Exchange Street and Water Street -- December 1, 2024 - April 15, 2025
Even Calendar Days - Park on the East side of the street
Odd Calendar Days - Park on the West side of the street

2025 Dog License Application - Click Here 

2025 Garbage & Recycling Schedule - Click Here

2024 Special Collection Charges - Click Here


2025 Approved Budget - Click Here



Notice is hereby given to each person who owns, occupies or controls land in the Village of Rockdale Dane County, Wisconsin, to destroy all weeds and unsightly tall grass on such property.  The prohibited and restricted noxious weeds are:  Canadian Thistle, Perennial Sow Thistle, Musk Thistle, Giant Foxtail, Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny), Wild Hemp, Leafy Spurge, Wild Parsnip, Wild Radish, Buckhorn Bush, Oxeye Daisy, Japanese Knotweed and Garlic Mustard. 

The above named weeds and all others declared noxious by the governing body must be destroyed at such time and in such manner as shall effectively prevent them from bearing seed or spreading to adjoining property as required by Wisconsin Statute 66.0407.  If you have questions regarding the control of invasive species, you may contact Lisa Johnson, Horticulture Educator for Dane County UW-Extension at 608-224-3715.


Dog Notice:
Dogs are required to be licensed in the Village of Rockdale.  Licenses must be renewed each year.  Applications are available at the Rockdle Village Office or you may visit our website.  Licenses expire December 31 of each year, and must be renewed no later than April 1.  The cost is $29 for non-spayed and non-neutered dogs and $20 for dogs that are spayed or neutered.  After April 1, a penalty of $5 will be added to the license fee.  Proof of rabies vaccination is required.  Please let the village office know if your pet passed away, so we can update our records.

COMPREHENSIVE GROWTH PLAN - The Village of Rockdale is currently in the process of updating our current plan.  
Comprehensive Master Plan DRAFT - Click Here
Public Participation Plan - Click Here
Scope of Work and Timeline - Click Here